It’s About The We!


Be That Light For Someone

Some of us are so caught up in hate that it feels like we’re going out of our way to help and encourage someone else. Believing in someone and showing them love can go a long way! Be that light for someone when they feel like they’re trapped in a room filled with darkness! Tell them to trust and believe that no matter how bad or grim things may seem or look it can always get better!

My New Podcast Station

Check out my new podcast channel when you get a chance. There are only 3 shows as of now. One of the main themes of my podcast will be aspects of relationships. The podcast will not just be limited to relationships, everything will be up for discussion. I will continue to get better & improve the show as time goes on.

Watch Their Angle!

 Everybody has some type of angle, especially nowadays. They may all go about it differently but trust me it’s there. Some people will even throw God in the mix to amplify the effect. Others may throw a little money your way so that they can continue to play. Ultimately their goal is to divert your attention so that the deception would be harder to detect. They make it seem like what they’re telling you is beneficial for you but in reality they could just be using some of the tricks of the trade to try fool you and get what they want from you! #eyeswideopen  #truth #life #showandprove #relationships #myexperience #dontbefooled #lifequotes #whatdivinethinks

Do Yourself A Favor

Do yourself a favor pic

Spiritual Solutions

Practical problem pic

Pass The Knowledge On!

Having Knowledge Pic

Growing Up

Do you ever say things and it surprises you because you can now see that you’re growing up in certain areas of your life.

Power Of Choice

The only way that you can be alive is if the presence of God is within you. Some people call it the soul, God box, your essence, the energy, your being, etc, etc. If that presence is gone you will no longer exist. Our will power is what gives people control of their actions and allows them to do what they do. Based on our choices we have the ability to go left or right. We have the power of choice. That was a quality that was given to us by whoever you choose to call the God of your understanding. A lot of people just choose to go the negative route. Trust me I know, I used to be one of them. I believe we have all chosen that route in some point in our lives. Some choose to stay down that path while others recognize that they may need to do something different, more positive in their lives. There are a lot of people who are walking around dead. They are physically alive but spiritually dead. The farther away you go from doing good deeds and applying spiritual principles in your life the dimmer your light gets. But never give up on yourself or think that you can’t change for the better. As long as you are still alive that light is there. It’s just up to you to continue to allow it to shine in your life. #lifequotes #honestwithself #truth #change #whatdivinethinks #nobigiorlittleyou